Archive for the ‘Blog’ Category

I would like to re-direct you to my new random blog:

All my randomness and weird thoughts are there. Feel free to check it out, put it on your blog roll, and stuff. I’ll return the favour. x

From Hadria


A spontaneous decision is what we are, if anything.

Started on September 17, 2011, we are an electronic duo that mostly does triphop. We do music for fun while we’re still hovering about. I would say many more things about us but I think this article says volumes of what you can expect :

I got really absolutely giddy that after one night of squealing about this new found inspiration and direction in life, we were already recognized. Many thanks to Crack In The Road for the push forward! x

We’re currently working on our first album that we’re hoping would be out by October this year. So while you wait, why not give our first track a listen and download it for free?

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Pets are like horcruxes.

You give your soul–your love–to every one of them and to have them ripped away from you in a second… well, it just makes you feel like shit, doesn’t it? I’ve recently bought ducks for pets (just for shits and giggles–at first) and after a few days, I just felt so connected with them. And to have them die on me one by one… I feel like my heart just being beaten up savagely, ripped to shreds, and fed to the most horrible beasts you can think of.

Nobody knows what I feel right now unless they’ve went through the same predicament I’m going through right now. To everyone else, they might just be ordinary ducks or dogs or cats or whatever you have but they didn’t feel their fragile heart beat against the palm of your hands, on the tips of your fingers. It’s hard. It really is.

RIP Nathan and Freddie. I’ll always remember the way you waddle towards me, seeking for warmth and shelter. The way you cuddle against my bosom to sleep. The soft squeak of your voices. Especially Nathan–with your lovely brown-ashen fur, you were such a scaredy cat but you’ve found comfort in us… I’ll miss you the most.

//Edit 8.15.11: Death crept without a word, and I awoke to the silence. It hurts more when you’ve seen her suffer through it. I’m sorry, Alisha… I tried. I should have taken care of you when you needed me earlier. And now it hurts more.


It’s been a while! I know. My thoughts have been bottled up inside for far too long already. Unfortunately, this won’t be about those said thoughts. This will be about how I’ve been spending my days lately. I’m a bit lazy to elaborate more on what happened but I’ll give a proper overview of things.

Interesting thing happened last Wednesday was when we went to the Freedom of Information forum at AIM in Makati for the discussion of the passing of the bill. It was actually the first time I’ve heard about it fully but it’s always good to learn something new about how goes the political world. I’m horrendously inept with it, honestly. But you can check us out on TV here.

And I am so thankful that I’ve been getting opportunities to work freelance. I honestly cannot find myself learning to work in the corporate world. I have a really short fuse for patience and I know I just won’t be for it. Maybe some people are comfortable with it, but I know I’m not. Hence, thank you to HelpLabs for this opportunity. Check out their page and like them here.

As for Graphika Manila (and we’ve been anticipating this event for so long), it was a bit of a let down, really. Last year was better (infinitely with the added epic after-party) and the Filipino speakers were better this year (Pride!). How I wish that PhunkStudio would come back next year (or what we’ve been planning to visit them in Singapore like we promised).

Hopefully, next year would be better. It’s going to be our annual thing.

And that week, I’ve learned how to play Monopoly Deal! So fun. Aaaand bought myself thigh-high socks (for what? I will never know) and my sister and I halfed a cute ditty scarf. I wanted to buy a bowler hat (like I’ve been craving like fuck) but it ranged from two thousand or so. I just spent seven thousand in two days and have nothing extra more to spend. That’s like a month’s pay. I am insane.

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7.14.2011 — A large thank you to the lot of you on my special day! I got a bit lazy writing this so I might write a longer one soon! Soz x

I’ve grown up with Harry Potter and I’m proud to say I’m a part of this literary generation. I’ve noticed that before, people (especially teenagers) weren’t particularly fond of reading literature. I read some, but none more than this series could retain my interest. My grandmother came by for a visit on my birthday and asked me what was so significant about Harry Potter. I know many think of it as nothing more than another popular fiction novel but for those who grew up with Harry as he did, it’s different. He’s like a brother to us.

He inspired us to be better in English (especially with grammar and spelling) and he gave us the freedom to explore the depths of our imaginations. Whenever I read Harry Potter, I feel a certain connection to the characters that the emotions being depicted in the stories would transfer to me. And now that the novels are over, and the films are finished being screened all over the world, there’s a certain emptiness to it.

Growing old with Harry Potter was wonderful and now it’s over… I feel like I have some growing up to do. But like Peter Pan, deep down inside… I know I never want to. But—

It all ends here.

ADDENDUM: Special thanks to my boyfriend, Harry Santos for the awesome Tablet, domain, and Art Book Box set for my birthday! You’re the best! x

I’m sure everyone has already thought of making their own OST but right now, since I’m a bit inspired to write I think I have more motivation to go through with it. Jotting down a list was my first thought but then I figured that I would rather do it in a more unconventional way by stating it to a day filled with music themes. Maybe I’ll find myself turning it into a little filmlet. We’ll never know. It all depends on my boredom.

Disclaimer: I don’t hold any claims over the music that I will be posting alongside the scenes I’ve written. I only own my words.


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Waking up with barely any sleep. My eyes strained to open against the blinding light from my windows, the blinds barely protecting me from the harsh morning. I stretched out my body, releasing a tired yawn. I looked around my room barely getting any glimpse of the time. I glanced down and reached for my phone that was placed conveniently under my bed. My eyes narrowed at the time and cursed at the wasted morning. Then again, I wasn’t really fond of it anyway. I shook my head and proceeded to rest and imagine different types of scenarios that could happen that day.

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Feeling positive about the day, my second waking up seemed a bit more cheery. So many plans for the day but it seemed as if there wasn’t enough time to do all of them. So I go downstairs and check the kitchen to see if brunch was already served. In all my giddiness before, it completely washed away as I saw the empty table. I shrugged my shoulders and turned towards the living room for a bit of television viewing.

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I feel bad.

The clock was ticking away and I was there on my couch, wasting away the borrowed time. I stretched my aching muscle joints and figured that maybe the rest of the day would turn out better. I waited some more.

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Maybe a jolt of my creative juices would make this day more productive! Or maybe a little bit of dance around the house without anyone watching (because god forbid someone see my horrid dancing).

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After quite a tiring bounce around, I’ve figured a calm state of mind was needed to hush my rapidly beating heart. I throw myself against the worn-out couch and took in deep breaths. And then I thought to myself, I’ve been doing this same routine for the past few months. I’ve gone mental.

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Maybe it’s time to fly away from the nest. I’ve been living in luxury for too long and I realized there were bigger things outside of these four-cornered walls. But the warmth egged me on to stay and I just couldn’t say no as easily as I wanted. I spared a glance towards the nearest window and saw the sun’s rays were slowly dwindling and night will soon come.

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Dinner seems so insignificant now. Thoughts were making me full and the idea of tomorrow plagued me.

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I felt like throwing things. More like the stuffed toys I had lying around because let’s face it, I can’t afford breaking anything.

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Better take out the dubstep–

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–or yeah, just go out and get piss drunk with some of my best mates.

Tomorrow will just have to wait.

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End note: I’m so glad the songs I want were in Soundcloud! Hee.

Me and History.


Five years ago, I took photographs of the most random but beautiful things. The most unexpected shots, I thought, were the most stunning. And it bears truth until now. I’ve always loved a good candid shot. It never fails to keep me entertained and keeps me wondering… how in Earth did I get to capture this?

I took this photo with my mum’s old Samsung cellphone a few years ago. I’ve always loved the lighting in this shot and how it depicts innocence and freedom (to each his own, js). After this shot, I’ve figured that…  I want to keep shooting. And so I did. I didn’t have a fancy DSLR or even a digicam, but I made-do with my crappy cellphone camera. But now that I have my own SLR, it doesn’t make it as special. I don’t know why. The photos are prettier, the quality is better, but it’s just another generated photo. It’s quite depressing for me, really. All the ideas that I have in the world won’t make do because it’ll be another “oh, that’s been done” photo. But it’s all good. I’m quite impressed with some people’s works that I’ve seen recently.

But even though everything’s been so-so lately, (which reminds me–I haven’t even blogged about my graduation yet), I’m glad I’m still fond with taking photographs. Now I hope I’ll still feel the same in a couple of years.

And I do hope this blasted writer’s block that I have would just go the fuck away.

Now lately, I’ve felt that I have neglected all my fictions with all my hubbabaloos and laziness so I’ve decided to renew my inspirations. I must admit, it’s hard. Real hard. Finding your muse after a five-year hiatus (insufferable writer’s block, more like) has controlled my urge to continue writing. For the past two years, I’ve tried to start novels that ended up with either having two chapters worth or just the prologue up. And I’m not very proud of it.

Looking for inspiration is like looking for Waldo. Seems impossible, doesn’t it? People say that you just have to wait for it to come to you. Let it hit you. Well what if it just left you and you’re absolutely lost with how you’re going to go about it next? Doesn’t it frustrate you? Doesn’t it want you to just swallow up the building tension and get on with it? Your blank paper won’t be as white as you remember it (unless you’ve kept it neatly in your drawers). But it should be used. It deserves to be used.

For those who have suffered through the same torture, here are some tips (that you probably already knew but keep reading anyway and just humour me): Start off with an idea in mind. Where do you get ideas, you may ask–and easy enough, it’s everywhere. Just spot the thing that catches your eye, imagine a scene, a script, a life for that certain thing and it’ll get your creative juices flowing. How to maintain it? Well, music always works for me. You started listening to a song that doesn’t jive with the jam you have on? It’s okay. You don’t have to squeeze it in for it to fit your current story. You can always start a new one (and this one doesn’t have to be novel-length. It could pretty well be a short poem just to express the thought).

But always remember, a new muse can very well end the progress of your current one so be careful. Try leveling the inspirations and check how it will relate to your current project. Preferably, try to listen to your song continuously. It’ll embed the emotions in you. It will probably numb you after a while so try to use the effect as much as you can before the feeling is squeezed entirely out of you.

Music is my savior. And maybe, it’ll work for you guys too!

Here’s a list that you can give a listen to. They’ve been through a lot with me and helped me finish/continue some of my favourite works.


I used this song for a lot of my serious or dramatic poetry and fictions. Specifically, some of my old prose were inspired by this song. Overdose and Wilt are among them.


This artist is just brilliant. Honestly, his whole album could be used as inspiration. I haven’t tried him out yet (since I’ve been recently lazing about) but I am hoping to use this particular song as an inspiration to continue on with my novel, “Flight of Stares.”


Honestly, I think Final Fantasy has some of the most awesome soundtracks ever. This song just exudes inspiration all over. If I remember correctly, most of my fanfiction were written while listening to this song. Lights Out is one of them. Not only is it good for inspiration, it can also be used as a lullaby when you feel insomnia has taken way too long on your schedule.


Preferably, I listen to instrumentals or electronic music more when I write but this song has also been with me for a while. I use this song when I feel like I should write a happy story or a scene that needs a more optimistic vibe. I recently used this song for a wedding shoot I did with my boyfriend and I say, this song has made that experience ten times better.


And sometimes, there are instances where songs with lyrics are actually the only ones who would help you get through a writer’s block. The words being sung would give you ideas as you go along with writing. And you won’t notice it, but your fingers are going on and on and on without you noticing it.

There are a lot of beautiful songs that you can use to let those juices flow and it’s just about looking for the right one that depicts your mood. Ride it out. And if I get some responses, I might just post a full list of songs that are of possible use.

Now go along, writers. Spread your ideas, emotions, and experiences through your literature. Let me read you.

For the past months, I have tried to figure out what type of life I would want to lead when I am finally required to do so. As the saying goes, I’m not getting any younger. There are some careers that would be better off not being pursued here for me, in my honest opinion. I would love to work in the industry, it has been my utmost dream to work in Television and Film, but the projects here is not of my taste. It seems as if the stories that are being produced are of the same wavelength as it has been over the past fifty years.

No change at all.

There are a lot of films and series that I wished I had something to do with. Recently, I have had the pleasure to watch Hanna. It is an absolutely brilliant film and a definite must-watch, honestly. It’s actually reminiscent of a young Kill Bill and if you liked that, then you should definitely take the time to watch this. The plot, the way it was handled and directed, the acting… utterly breathtaking. Worth the money and time.

Psychoville is a series that people might not be too savvy to watch or give a go because of its slightly different vibe. It becomes consequently too dark for most people and too heavy for the heart in some episodes. But it is quite brilliant in its own way. I suggest you watch the Halloween Special of the series because it will freeze you in the spot if anything. Scary, brilliant psychotic stuff.

And a series that has crept its way to one of my utmost favourites would be Misfits. The characters are darling and the story (especially the plot around Alisha and Simon) is endearing. The editing was the one that took my breath away, though. The colour treatment could possibly be my most fave of all (eerily similar with Psychoville, too).

There are a lot of others that have caught my eye but basically, all I’m saying is that I wish that the Filipinos who work in the industry would finally see that it’s time for a change. Be it minimal or a complete one, I think it’s time that they see that scripts about the poor guy/girl falling in love with the rich guy/girl is overrated and abuse in the household is already too much. We’ve seen it before, so how about trying out a decent plot that would actually stimulate our imaginations? And no, I’m not talking about a superhero with a lot of bling bling superpowers that would save humankind (we have enough of those already as well). Just a thought.

I ain’t washing my sins.

And I’d rather really not if this mixtape has anything to do with it. I was introduced to this brilliant, brilliant artist by a good friend of mine a few weeks back and as soon as I gave “Wicked Games” a listen… well, there’s no turning back. This is probably the best album that I’ve had in my iTouch for a while now and has been on repeat for the whole while. Now I’m terribly obsessive when it comes to good songs and I find it hard to walk away from all of his. But more so particularly with the aforementioned song. Although, lately, I have had the affinity for “The Knowing” and “Loft Music” as well.

The whole album is just utterly brilliant (I can’t quite stress it enough). Words cannot truly describe how I feel for it. Although a lot of people have compared him to Drake and Frank Ocean, in my opinion they are nothing compared to Toronto’s Abel Tesfaye‘s sex-esque voice. Most of his lyrics are referring to the high lifestyle where sex, drugs, alcohol, and women (or men for the ladies) are the main components. The rawness of the words are sung from experience and you can just feel the goosebumps forming from them.

The Weeknd is on his way to the top and he deserves the utmost recognition. His whole mixtape is available to download for free on his website.

Open your hand, take a glass. Don’t be scared, I’m right here. Even though, you don’t roll. Trust me girl, you wanna be high for this. // xo till we overdose.

So my preference for British comedy has outdone itself again. Whilst waiting for Misfits series 3, I figured I better amuse myself rather than waste time (you might be thinking that I’m crazy for thinking about a new series to watch than to look for a job well, bleh). I have watched The Inbetweeners before and quite liked it (thanks for telling me about it, JV!).

Now I took it upon myself to write down a list of Brit shows that gained my interest and possibly, yours as well.

1. Pete Versus Life

Rafe Spall stars as twenty-something Pete, a struggling sports writer. Although well meaning, Pete often lacks the emotional maturity required to deal with life’s more intricate problems. Pete wishes that life had clearly defined rules… like sport does. But life isn’t like sport, as Pete is only beginning to realise.

2. Psychoville

Psychoville is a dark character comedy mystery in which five different characters are strangely linked.

The main characters are: Mr Jelly, an embittered one-handed clown who makes balloon animals with his hook; Joy, a desperately misguided midwife; Robert, a lovestruck dwarf; Mr Lomax, a blind avaricious collector; and David Sowerbutts, a serial-killer-obsessed man-child.

All five are at first seemingly unconnected, but we know they share at least one thing in common… despite having different backgrounds, different interests, and coming from different parts of the country, they have each been sent an anonymous, black-edged card marked with the words: “I know what you did…”

3. Phoneshop

PhoneShop centres on the working day of the employees of a mobile phone shop, the like of which you can find in every high street and shopping mall across the country. On the mean, cut-throat UK high street, the priority is to “shift units, make money, smash targets…” and no one knows that better than the staff of PhoneShop. But with top salesman Little Gary Patel back in jail, the staff’s position as ‘Kings of the High Street’ may be in jeopardy for the first time.

4. Not Going Out

Not Going Out is a light-hearted, fast-paced mainstream sitcom based around the life of a man un-burdened by ambition or drive. Lee deflects criticism and bad news with his trademark wit and one-liners but deep down he is looking for love, a steady job and a flat he can call his own.

5. Dirk Gently

Anti-hero Dirk Gently operates his eponymous detective agency based on the fundamental interconnectedness of all things. Perpetually broke, hopelessly chaotic and utterly infuriating, most people suspect Dirk is nothing more than a cheap conman. And they might be right – but nevertheless his methods, though unusual, do often produce surprising results.

6. Sex and the Chippy

A female-centred sitcom pilot for E4, being considered as a possible companion to The Inbetweeners.

The show is based around a Liverpool chip shop and will follow three women in their early 30s and recount their exploits over the course of a night out.

7. The Thick of It

Caustic comedy, set in the corridors of power. This satirical sitcom focuses on the civil servants, the PR team and ministers who work for the (fictional) Department of Social Affairs and Citizenship.

Malcolm Tucker (Peter Capaldi) is the Prime Minister’s Director of Communications. He uses bullying, intimidation and lots of swearing to try and keep The Department of Social Affairs and Citizenship in the press for the right reasons, but out of the press whenever there is something that needs covering up.

8. White Van Man

Ollie reluctantly puts his dreams of running a restaurant on the back burner when his ailing father turns to him to take over the family handyman business. Unfortunately for Ollie, the business comes complete with a dodgy van, some questionable tips and an even dodgier assistant.

9. This is Jinsy

A surreal sitcom set on Jinsy, an island whose 762 residents are monitored by 1,067 tessellators. These tessellators include video cameras for surveillance as well as little screens to allow the residents to watch important island events, such as the tri-annual island cow wash (live from Glotters field). They also include a handy slot for paying fines, and a sphincter nozzle for product and pill downloads.

10. Rev

Rev is a contemporary sitcom about the enormous daily frustrations and moral conflicts of Reverend Adam Smallbone – a Church of England Vicar, newly promoted from a sleepy rural parish to the busy, inner-city world of St Saviour’s, in East London. It’s a world he has little experience of, and it shows – it really shows.

But I don’t entirely shun out American series. I am very much obsessed with Fringe at the moment (alongside Harry) so you bet I’ll check out Mad Love. Again, thanks for the recommendation JV! x

So finally.

And I do say finally with such passion–if you could hear it, yeah.

I am done with my defense and all I’m left to do now is a little tweaking of the manuscript (interestingly enough, formality was above creativity) and quite a few hours of community service. Kind of like Misfits, isn’t it? I quite fancy a few drinks to celebrate tonight but rather, I spend it here in front of the blazing LCD of the laptop and I am missing my old files.

I quite miss my family’s incessant jubilant laughter as well.

Nowadays the house feels like an empty shell of what it was before. Maybe I’m just growing up and noticing the little things that I’ve found little of proper significance. Maybe. I find it disorienting, to say the least. But I am resilient! I conquer!

Aside from what happened today, it was confirmed that Robert Sheehan would indeed be leaving Misfits and won’t be part of the Season 3 this coming October. What a cunt. Anger just radiates throughout my being. He’s one of my favourite characters and to hear that he won’t be there as you’ve hoped… it is infuriating.

However, the new Rudi character sounds quite the interesting one. Here’s possible information regarding the casting:

18-25. Any race, any accent.

Rudy is the new regular member of the MISFITS gang. Rudy is constantly positive and ‘up’ – the kind of guy that won’t take no for an answer from a girl. He is outrageous, rude and very funny.

When Rudy was struck in the storm he developed the ability for the depressed and ‘down’ side of his personality to manifest itself into another version of Rudy, known as Dark Rudy. Dark Rudy constantly reminds Rudy about all the most embarrassing moments of his life which he’d rather forget. He has a darkly mischievous feel to him, rather like Tyler Durden in ‘Fight Club’.

Most of the time Rudy is ‘up’, joking and pissing around, but when Rudy feels low or his ego takes a blow (e.g. a girl rejects him) Dark Rudy appears.

At the start of the series Rudy and Dark Rudy have an uneasy relationship, fighting and arguing with each other.


Not much else I could say except they better pick a bloody good actor.

On a side note: I found a new TV series I can fawn over if it’s good enough, “Parks and Recreation.” Sounds good?

Happy happy birthday to my boyfriend, Harry Santos!

Today was partially lucky, indeed. We’ve finally found copies of Seasons 1 and 2 of Fringe and my dad cooked the meanest baked macarroni ever! We also had Kisses ice cream and Crunch chocolate for dessert. Om nom nom~

So in relation to the former, I am inspired to write little drabbles concerning alternate universes because of Fringe’s season 1 ending. I didn’t like season 2 because (spoiler:) Charlie Francis died and he’s one of the characters who I’m fond of. So check out the new fanfiction account I’ve made (I don’t want to sound like a dork, but I am quite fond of shipping the odd pairs and the only way I can release this tension inside me is when I write them down).

In a rather depressing note: Robert Sheehan won’t be returning for Season 3 of Misfits. Yes. Bloody fucking hell.

I haven’t written any non-fiction in a while. I miss just mindlessly typing away on my blogs just because I felt like it. Emotions were and always have been the source of all of my inspirations. It’s been a while since I’ve felt like writing and today, I feel like forcing myself to do so. Why? Because it’s not right to just wait for something to come. You can’t expect for things to go your way easily.

It’s not like when I was young, where everything will go as what my parents wanted it to go. It was easy because I didn’t have to think for myself as much. Yes, my likes and dislikes were a factor but then I was deemed young and didn’t know any better. Now it’s different.

Graduating university is held of high esteem. I see some of my former classmates graduate and notice that all of us are going through the same paths. Growing up. I am jealous. Jealous that they know what they want in life. That they’re happy with how they’re going about it. I am still in the learning stage where I don’t know myself as fully as they do. I am inspired by all the little things in the world and I’m curious how I’m going to go about finding a career with just inspiration to get through the day.

I was asked by an old friend before, “What’s next for Adrienne Nicole Bernal?”

And I didn’t know how to answer that question. I was given such admiration and such promise that he knew that I am going to be something great. I just hoped I knew the same thing that he did. When I was a kid, I wanted to be everything. I wanted to be a doctor, a scientist, an astronaut, a writer, an artist, an actress, a model, a singer… I wanted to be everything that I had felt like I should be at that moment.

What of now? I’m still the same. I still have those urges that I want to be something. I know that I could be but words were very different from taking action. And maybe, somehow, one of those wants could be the right one for me. But life is given little to no choices at all. Freedom is for the rich. The government has taken away something that I could have had a future in. Why prevent such a beautiful thing from blossoming because of your greed? But anyway.

Travelling will be my number one priority in life.

I was a homebody and still am, apparently until I have reached studying in university. I wasn’t much of the going out-type however my views were changed. The world was too beautiful to ignore and the photos I’ve seen in books or on the internet didn’t cut it unless I was the one who took them. I wanted to take people and their breaths away by my visions, my words, and my emotions that I’ve invested in all the art I’ve made.

Maybe that’s why I want to work in Studio Ghibli someday because they did just that… with me.

I want to influence. I want to inspire. I want my name to be uttered because of what I’ve made them feel (be it anger or happiness).

Just maybe… the career that I’m destined for isn’t precise. Maybe I’m just one of those people that make you feel and realize things. Like Ghandi, Da Vinci, or Hitler. Then again, that isn’t a career and that won’t feed me on a daily basis. It’s a thought, though. What I could be in the future would be the one to change it.

/long blog post is long.

#NowPlaying: All That Makes Us Human Continues – BT

March 25, 2011.

So my mum’s home for my sister’s graduation! Hurrah! We’ve missed her! :)

We went to Shakey’s for lunch (which should have been Racks that I’ve been craving but my sister wants pizza). It has been a tiring month for me, really (projects and laziness, alike). Anyway, congratulations little sister! We’re very proud! x

March 27, 2011.

We went to Alabang for Church this weekend. We haven’t in so long so it’s a bit of a welcome relief. We ate at Racks (finally!) for lunch. Awesome awesome awesome. My hunger for ribs was satiated.

It was interesting to eat with my whole family again. The noise at our table was pretty much the center of attention (or so I’d like to think because we were pretty loud).

Now, the best part of my day was when I asked my parents if I could buy myself new headphones since my sister destroyed mine. I told them I would pay for it since I had some money saved and well… they bought me one as a present anyway!


You can just imagine how giddy I was! Very giddy.

So my mum decided to let us bask in luxury as we shopped till we literally dropped. She bought new clothes, new glasses, and a new iPhone. Ah, life. So whilst waiting for them to finish their spending, my little sister Mai and I decided to go look for a place to sit down and chill. We ended up going to Jollibee for burgers and french fries. Guess who we saw while roaming around!

Hello there, JGL and Zooey!

So there you go! There were a lot more (like helping with Cat’s coverage of a graduation and some others) but I’m too lazy to type it right now. I might post photos instead the next time! :)