Posts Tagged ‘foi’

It’s been a while! I know. My thoughts have been bottled up inside for far too long already. Unfortunately, this won’t be about those said thoughts. This will be about how I’ve been spending my days lately. I’m a bit lazy to elaborate more on what happened but I’ll give a proper overview of things.

Interesting thing happened last Wednesday was when we went to the Freedom of Information forum at AIM in Makati for the discussion of the passing of the bill. It was actually the first time I’ve heard about it fully but it’s always good to learn something new about how goes the political world. I’m horrendously inept with it, honestly. But you can check us out on TV here.

And I am so thankful that I’ve been getting opportunities to work freelance. I honestly cannot find myself learning to work in the corporate world. I have a really short fuse for patience and I know I just won’t be for it. Maybe some people are comfortable with it, but I know I’m not. Hence, thank you to HelpLabs for this opportunity. Check out their page and like them here.

As for Graphika Manila (and we’ve been anticipating this event for so long), it was a bit of a let down, really. Last year was better (infinitely with the added epic after-party) and the Filipino speakers were better this year (Pride!). How I wish that PhunkStudio would come back next year (or what we’ve been planning to visit them in Singapore like we promised).

Hopefully, next year would be better. It’s going to be our annual thing.

And that week, I’ve learned how to play Monopoly Deal! So fun. Aaaand bought myself thigh-high socks (for what? I will never know) and my sister and I halfed a cute ditty scarf. I wanted to buy a bowler hat (like I’ve been craving like fuck) but it ranged from two thousand or so. I just spent seven thousand in two days and have nothing extra more to spend. That’s like a month’s pay. I am insane.

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